e-commerce consultant: Take your business to new heights

Our e-commerce consulting services can help take your business to new heights by creating and implementing a successful online strategy.
Problem Solver
I'm the e-commerce consultant you can count on to solve your problems.
Satisfied Results
We're experts in e-commerce and we'll make sure you're successful too.
Solution Driven
We're a one-stop shop for all your ecommerce needs.
Responsive Team
The responsive team that can help you succeed in e-commerce.
Increase your sales and profits
If you're not happy with your current e-commerce operation, or if you're just getting started and need some help, contact us. We can provide you with the advice and support you need to make your e-commerce operation a success.
Grow your business with our e-commerce solutions
We offer a customized e-commerce plan that considers your unique business goals, needs, and circumstances. We'll help you set up shop on the platform of your choice and make sure that you have all the tools and features you need to succeed online.
We'll get you up and running in no time at all
Our team of experts can help you put your plan into action quickly and efficiently. We'll work with you every step of the way to make sure your transition to e-commerce is smooth and successful. Plus, we offer ongoing consultation so you can rest assured that your operation will run smoothly for years to come.
The partner you need to grow your business online
We've been helping businesses grow online for over 10 years, and we have the experience and expertise you need to take your business to the next level. We'll work with you every step of the way, from setting up your shop and optimizing your products for search engines, to driving traffic through effective marketing campaigns. Let us help you grow your e-commerce business today!
  • An ecommerce consultant can help businesses improve sales and conversions while increasing customer satisfaction. They are highly skilled professionals who can take charge of the entire process. While there are many different types of ecommerce consultants, the most common ones include:

    • Conversion Optimization Specialists – These specialists focus on improving your site's overall performance. This includes testing new designs, creating better navigation, optimizing images, and finding ways to increase traffic.
    • Marketing Specialists – These experts know how to use social media platforms effectively to promote products and brands. They can also develop strategies to reach customers who spend most of their time online.
    • User Experience Experts – UX designers ensure that every part of your site works well together. They ensure the design is easy to navigate, intuitive, and attractive.
    • Product Managers – A product manager helps companies decide what features to add to their sites. They ensure that the features are helpful and relevant to their target audience.
    • Social Media Strategists – Social media strategists help businesses understand how to utilize social media platforms to their advantage. They can also help build brand awareness and generate leads.
  • E-Commerce Consultants offer a variety of services, including; Website Audit, Digital Marketing, Inventory Strategy, Branding, Catalog Management, Customer Engagement & Retention Strategies, Social Media Audience Building, Conversion Optimization, Product Development, Pricing Strategy, Merchandising, Shipping/Fulfillment Strategy, and much more. They're typically hired to help companies grow sales online, improve product positioning, and build brand awareness.

    The typical ecommerce consultant will work with you to assess what needs improving, identify opportunities, implement changes and measure progress along the way. Most often, there isn't one single solution to increasing revenue. Instead, it's a combination of things working together to achieve the desired outcome.
  • E-commerce specialists are experts in the online side of running a business. In addition to handling customer support, they keep track of inventory and monitor sales trends. They typically have a strong marketing background and know how to promote products effectively. Many of them come from backgrounds in graphic design and web development.

    They may improve the database system utilized by the organization or design software that allows for improved inventory control. They might even help set up a custom e-commerce site. Most e-commerce consultants have solid marketing experience, including writing blog articles and creating content for social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. They may work with brand ambassadors to generate additional traffic for your business.An excellent E-Commerce consultant will offer you the best way to optimize your online sales and adapt these strategies to changes in the marketplace.
  • Finding an ecommerce consultant is easy said than done. Dozens of vendors are claiming to help small businesses launch successful ecommerce stores. But how do you know which one is a good fit for you? Well, it depends on what type of ecommerce store you want to build. If you just need some help setting up Shopify, you might be able to find someone on Craigslist or even locally. However, if you want to build something more complex like Magento or WooCommerce, you'll probably need to look outside your local area. Here are a few things to keep in mind while searching for an ecommerce consultant:

    1. Do Your Research Before you start looking for an ecommerce consultant, ensure you understand exactly what you're getting into. Are you building a simple storefront or a full-blown ecommerce site? What level of customization does the vendor offer? Do you need help launching a new product category or expanding an existing one? Is the vendor experienced with your industry? You don't want to hire someone who doesn't understand your needs.
    2. Ask About Their Experience You won't always be able to tell whether a vendor has experience working with companies similar to yours based solely on his or her resume. Instead, ask about their experience working with clients like yours. Talk to previous customers and see if they have had any issues with the vendor. Don't forget to ask questions about pricing too. Make sure you know how much you're paying upfront and what happens if you go over budget.
    3. Look For References
  • The average hourly rate for an ecommerce consultant ranges from about $50 to $300 per hour, according to freelance marketplace Upwork. Some companies charge even more. For example, one firm charges up to $1,500 monthly for just three hours of work. But you can also find consultants for less, significantly smaller local businesses. Many small shops are willing to pay under $100 per hour. You can also find consultants for free online. Many platforms offer a listing of vetted experts, including LinkedIn, Facebook Marketplace, Amazon Local Experts, and Yelp. These sites allow people to list their skills and set their rates. However, most of these listings are self-reported, meaning there isn't always a guarantee that the person listed is qualified to do the job.
  • The essential qualities and characteristics of an e-commerce consultant are:
    - Extensive knowledge of e-commerce platforms and the ability to identify the right platform for each client’s needs
    - In-depth understanding of how to drive traffic to an e-commerce site and convert visitors into customers
    - A strategic approach to consulting, with the ability to create customized solutions for each client’s unique challenges and goals
    - Excellent communication and project management skills, so that clients always feel confident in the progresses being made towards their objectives
    An eCommerce Consultant is somebody who provides expert advice to businesses looking to establish or improve their online presence. In order for a business to be successful online it